Natalie & Chris- Froyle Park Country Estate
So how can I explain this wedding.......10 out of 10 as Natalie would say! These guys were so laid back and relaxed on the day I felt like I had been mates with them for ages. I even got a gift on the day....a wooden cut out of name, which is on my 'wall of love' at home. First up walking into the room Natalie was getting ready, another girl (who later was a bridesmaid) had a bride to be t-shirt on...I was like hang on.....are you fobbing me off with two weddings they weren't in the end....A lot of guests were Scottish (Natalie's side) and found myself trying to not speak in a Scottish accent, if anyone knows me, my accent is REALLY bad! Also Natalie in her dress...well as the Scots say....... A pritty face suits the dish-cloot, which doesn't exactly some it up as her dish-cloot was amazing, hands down one of my fav this season! (I hope I Googled this correctly)
My day was pretty easy, when my bride and grooms are so laid back, it's easy, plus I had the help of my assistant Sally from SomePlaceNicePhotography, who kindly helped me on this Thursday wedding. Apart from Natalie's step-dad spilling red wine on the table cloth (which I haven't Photoshopped out yet) the day was pretty much perfect........ so Natalie & Chris........Lang may yer lum reek xx
p.s this will be hilarious if I have got these Scottish interpretations wrong......haha