Nicky & Tim- Harewoods Home Farm
This wedding was just wow.........I get this feeling in the morning when I arrive if it's going to be an easy wedding. Easy as in the weather is perfect, the couple are relaxed, the guests are fun and the venue is beautiful. Nicky and Tim ticked all these boxes.
Their wedding was on top of a hill in the beautiful setting of Outwood in Surrey, some guests arrived in a London bus whereas Nicky was supposed to arrive in her dads Orange Opel car which he had been restoring in secret, they made it within yards of the venue when it broke down, so another British/German car, the Mini, had to come to the rescue and Nicky and her dad drove through the fields to get to there blessing under a big tree.
As you will see in the photos, there is a German theme, Tim's family are German, and they had a Bratwurst trailer arrive in the evening to feed everyone the famous sausage, I had my first experience, one which for me, may have tasted better with a Stein in ones hand! (sorry Tims family) I am a girl who likes to burn my sausages!
Having witnessed a lady falling off the hay bails, a child washing a plastic pig and a kid eating a microphone, this wedding is up there in my fav's of this year and so happy to have been there to witness this tie of British and German love.
So if my GCSE German is up scratch (or my go to Google translator) then.......
Ich wünsche Ihnen alles Glück in Ihre Zukunft zusammen xx