Jon & Mark- Northiam Garden Wedding
This beautiful wedding was situated in the beautiful picturesque town of Rye and the Rye Town Hall, and then followed to a garden wedding in Northiam, East Sussex. That’s all my SEO words quickly added and now about Jon & Mark…. I was recommended to them by our mutual friends Alex & Jeff. As soon as Jon & Mark mentioned it was in their garden, and they were growing lots of flowers, etc… I was sold. I love a garden wedding, it’s relaxed and it’s personal. My main highlight was meeting Nelly the dog, she was a beautiful soul and it saddened me to hear of her passing after the wedding, and was honoured to have captured her with the boys. If I could have a wedding like this every week then I would be a very happy lady….. Wishing you two lots of new memories in your married life.
Cermony- Rye Town Hall @ryetownhallweddings
Town Cryer- @aryegoodtime
Caterers- Oak Field Farm @oakfieldfarmhogroast & Nibbles Pizza
Transport- Seaford Buses and Nova Bussing
Music- Le Freak and Rhythm Swing Gypsy Jazz
Grooms Suit Supplier- Suitssupply