Sophie & Ross- Northbrook Park
So I don't usually photograph weddings in the Winter, bad weather, cold, rain, it gets dark by 3.30pm, basically a logistical nightmare for us photographers who need light to do our job. I was always going to photograph Sophie & Ross's regardless of when it was, I know Soph from when I treaded the boards in my first pantomime...Peter Pan, which is fact is my favourite story of all time. I have fonds memories of running around on stage, hiding in our den as a lost boy with Soph, and since have been friends.
I'm not gonna lie, it was cold on their wedding day...BUT we had the most beautiful fog and sunset, so I take back everything I said about hating Winter weddings!
This wedding had peacocks, trump cards, a bridesmaid busting out the worm, and the thing I have NEVER seen before...... a bride doing a crab in her wedding dress!! Loved this wedding!
Massive thanks to my fab assistant Jade Eleanor Photography!! Flowers by the ever amazing Ivy Florence and my bestie made all the wedding stationary with her company Little Light Invites. xx